Six Word Stories

A while back, I was introduced to this concept of six-word stories. Skeptical? Hemingway once wrote a story (shown below) in just six words and is said to have considered it amongst his best work.

“For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”

A writer’s organization challenged all members to write stories in only six words. Below is my contribution. Bear in mind that these are impulsive attempts to pass some time. No editing or quality bar.

· Wanted Pet Dog: Dead or Alive.
· Two walked in, one walked out.
· Yoda to Obe-Wan: Open your fly is.
· He came. He saw. He ran.
· When in doubt, take a left.
· One step forward, two step backwards.
· Broken window. Broken wall. Broken heart.
· Beatings will continue until morale improves.
· The morning after the night before.
· Out of darkness, comes the light.
- Contest of skills, battle of wills.
- Do nothing, and then rest afterwords.
- When all else fails, play dead.
- Always late, but worth the wait.
- What has to happen, will happen.
- Death is certain, its time isn't.

It’s a fun exercise. I’ll update this page from time to time, if I produce any more. If you’re reading this and can come up with any six word stories, feel free to put them as comments.

1 comment:

  1. Here is one from the man they call KP:
    "Found: Urn with ash, still warm
